Discovering what it means to follow Jesus together!


Our vision is to see NC State University transformed by the reality of the Gospel.

Discipleship & Large Group Gatherings on Campus

We are committed to gathering to build authentic relationships to encourage & empower each other as we endevor to Practice the Way of Jesus together. Join us for Large Group Gatherings on Sundays at 7pm in the Tally Student Center and small group/one-on-one discipleship opportunities throughout the week.

We believe prayer can change history! This is why we consider our prayer meetings the most important meeting of the week. We are believing God to move in extraordinary ways at NC State University. We commit ourselves to gathering regularly to seek God in prayer for revival/awakening at NC State University, for college campuses across America, and for our generation.

Prayer on Campus

Evangelism on Campus

The Gospel is Good News and we are compelled to share it with our campus community . Each week we engage in Gospel conversations on campus through Evangelism outreaches. Our desire is to see every student at NC State reach with the love of Jesus and the power of the Gospel.


Feel free to reach out with any questions.
